Services for ISPs
Almost every ISP grows through phases where they need to engineer
aspects of their network which are new and novel to them. Since almost any
mistakes in these areas can have drastic consequences, up to complete
failure of the ISP and bankruptcy, and the right choices usually
depend intimately on existing decisions that the ISP has made. This
makes it hard to describe these tradeoffs.
With over 20 years of experience with The Internet and its precursors,
I have seen an extremely wide selection of these interactions and can
synthesize a solution that avoids not only the common pitfalls, but
the esoteric ones as well.
Many times, the engineering staff of an ISP is fully committed to
normal operations and planning for the future is put off until action
is needed, at which point it's too late to put together a coordinated
plan. This leads to a hurried design and deployment of these
expansions, which often results in a design which works under normal
circumstances, but has bad failure modes, and may be more fragile and
fail more often. Additionally, networks that have grown through
several of these rushed expansions, often become harder and harder to
expand as the combinatoric interactions accumulate. Sometimes just
measuring how close to the limit, and thus the time for action, a
network is would help in avoiding these problems.
Specific services
These are descriptions of some of the areas that can be addressed,
but this list is not exhaustive.
We can provide a full range of routing assistance.
From simple router configurations, including BGP multi-homing,
import/export rules, etc.; to complete routing architecture design and
network planning services.
Robust multi-homing design
As ISPs get multiple connections to other providers for better
connectivity, the complexity goes up enormously. It is difficult to
get all the details right: proper fall back, effective filters,
aggregation rules, etc. Frequently getting these wrong can make the
network less reliable, which in the worst case can cause an ISP to
The best way to get this right, is with the experience of having done
it before. The best way to get the experience is by working with
someone who knows what they're doing. I have lots of experience in
setting up complex routing for global networks, and also in mentoring
others in the intricacies of dynamic routing.
Routing architecture
There are many aspects that go into designing an overall network
connectivity plan and routing architecture. You need to consider:
- import/export rules: protecting yourself from bogus routes
originating at customers, providers, peers, and other interconnects.
- config management: controlling changes and generating redundant
parts of configs to be compatible.
- coordination with all other networks with whom you connect, via
IRR, InterNIC, and other global databases; or through special
- automatic generation or verification of configs from IRR or other
data sources.
A complete routing architecture takes time to design, time which your
engineers may not have to spare right now. But, if you keep putting
it off until there's time to do the whole project, you may never get
there. This works for a while, as your engineers will have a common
understanding, but it will constrain where the network can go.
I can provide an analysis of your existing network routing as well as
your requirements and design an architecture to provide the maximum
reliability, flexibility, and growth. By working with your
engineering staff, I can produce a comprehensive network design / routing
architecture document that can be used and maintained to keep future
decisions consistent and to better plan the growth of the network.
This will improve the productivity of your engineering staff, without
requiring them to expend the time to document it.
Transition plans for "zero down-time" network changes
I have a lot of experience designing transition strategies that
exhibit "zero down-time" to users. Renumber your web servers. Move
mail servers from one location to another. Change DNS servers.
Switch transit providers.
The Internet is global, there is no longer any "unused" time in which
to take systems off the air for reorganization. With careful planning,
however, it is usually possible to arrange a transition with no (or
negligible) visible impact on users. I can design a spectrum of
strategies for any transition with analysis of the costs and benefits
of each option, and then guide you in choosing the tradeoff that is
best for your customers.
Design of aggregation rules
Aggregation rules, both internal and for imported routes, are
important to the growth and stability of any network. A well designed
aggregation plan that maps to the network topology/connectivity design
and the routing architecture of your network can help to make your
network more reliable and can often lead to cost savings by allowing
the use of lower cost routers in parts of the network.
Measurement and analysis
Measurement of current usage with trend analysis and projections
of future capacity requirements can be a vital resource for network
planning purposes. But at many ISPs, the engineering staff can be too
busy to put in the time to evaluate and set up the various packages.
I have experience setting up many of the freeware packages that can do
this, and customizing them to a particular network.
Migration and expansion strategies for maximum flexibility
ISP engineers are often so overloaded with day-to-day issues that it
becomes hard to make time to step back and look at the next
migration/expansion step and design it fully. This often leads to
plans which don't cover all contingencies, and can lead to the need
for on-the-fly corrections, which is the source of many later
problems. By carefully planning ahead, you can save much more in
lowered maintenance costs.
Address space utilization plans
These days, address space allocation, renumbering, and CIDR
aggregation are important to the ability of a network to grow. I have
extensive experience in all these areas. Defining your address plan
early and adjusting it as your network grows can help avoid excessive
requirements to renumber and give you a better margin on additional
Since addresses are allocated according to RFC2050 in most cases, a
good allocation strategy can help you reach the goals with more
margin, giving you more lead time to get a new allocation in.
I can provide training for your network operations and
engineering staff, either train existing staff in new technologies
being brought in, or to train new staff to keep from distracting your
(probably overloaded) existing staff with this added task.
Especially useful is the combination of providing some engineering
design from above and concluding with a complete, customized training
series on the results. This will get your staff up to speed on the
new setup as quickly as possible to allow them to maintain and extend
For more on the available training options, see the
separate page with more details.
Page generated 2025-03-10
at 03:07 GMT
Copyright © MMXXV
MAP Network Engineering
And finally, a random note:
I live in my own world. But, it's OK, they know me here.